Oxford The 4th International Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture Development Boston, USA May 12, 2025


The International Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture Development (ICLLCD 2022) was a hybird conference which includes workshops (offline and online) around the world. Prof. Mallen from Sam Houston State University has chaired these workshops on related topics. ICLLCD 2022 provided the participants with good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks, and it will lead to further collaborations between both universities and other societies.


Sam Houston State University, USA

Organizer: Prof. Enrique Mallen, Professor in Sam Houston State University

Pablo Picasso visited Paris for the first time in the fall of 1900 and within a few months he was already being investigated by the police. Although there was no evidence of any crime, he was suspected of being an anarchist, simply for being of foreign origin. This is not the first time he was treated as an "extranjero" (etymologically related to "extraño", strange, different). Having been born in Málaga, in the south of Spain, he was already treated as "different" when he moved north, first to A Coruña and then to Barcelona. It was 1904 when Picasso settled permanently in France. Most of his friends in the capital were "foreigners" like him in one way or another. This not only applied to all his Catalan friends residing in Paris, but also to French citizens like Max Jacob, a Jew and a homosexual, therefore an outsider; Guillaume Apollinaire, a revolutionary poet of Polish descent; Leo and Gertrude Stein, Jewish-American expatriates, or his dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, also a Jew of German descent. Prof. Enrique Mallen's presentation discussed the fact that Picasso defined himself as a "liminal artist", one that remained critically at the margins, living IN another culture, but not OF that culture. The two characters he identified with the most were equally liminal individuals: the Harlequin (a messenger from the dark side) and the Minotaur, half beast, half human.